Friday, August 13, 2010


"I see you in the trees / I see you're colourful / I see you in the breeze / You're spiritful" - Jonsi

"The lie tastes sweet at the beginning, but bitter at the end. The truth tastes bitter at the beginning, but sweet at the end." - Buddha

‎"We’re all projections of the same dreamer in a dream world." - Steve Pavlina

‎"Let the learner direct his own learning." - John Holt

‎"Dance! Wake up the sleepers!" - Kill Hannah

‎"What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us." - Helen Keller

‎"Thus shall ye think of all this fleeting world:
A star at dawn, a bubble in a stream;
A flash of lightning in a summer cloud,
A flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream."
- from the Diamond Sutra (Buddha)

"If you can look at all things that give delight without wanting the experience to be repeated, then there will be no pain, no fear, and therefore tremendous joy. It is the struggle to repeat and perpetuate pleasure that turns it into pain. Living in the present is the instant perception of beauty and the great delight... in it without seeking pleasure from it." - Krishnamurti

"I believe that all art has as its ultimate goal the union between the material and the spiritual." - Michael Jackson

"What people really want is to be fully themselves. They want the sense of aliveness, of being myself fully. But they want it through this, that, or the other. They don't realize that nothing can give it to you because you already have it. And not only do you have it, you are it, you are what you're looking for already.... You don't know that because you're always looking somewhere else." - Eckhart Tolle

"Religion and politics seem to divide everybody. Music seems to bring everyone together." - Mark Johnson

"Without consciousness, time and space are nothing." - Robert Lanza

"Events are just events and will happen whether in our control or not. It is our reaction to them, positive or negative, that makes them a good thing or a bad thing. How will you choose to react today? It is your choice." - Kristy (paraphrase of other quotes)

"You have new opportunities popping up around you all the time. It's just a matter of deciding which ones you want to grab on to." - Kristy

"Peace can certainly mean that you take action. It’s a very different energy field out of which this energy flows than “reactive” action which is always associated with Ego. You need a certain amount of presence to know whether there is negativity inside you at any given time, or whether the feeling that arises comes from a deep knowing that 'This is what I have to do.'" - Eckhart Tolle

‎"There will be a time when loud-mouthed, incompetent people seem to be getting the best of you. When that happens, you only have to be patient and wait for them to self destruct. It never fails." - Richard Rybolt

"If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking." - Buddhist proverb

"Need an enemy for ego to win." - 311

‎" matter how it matter how it starts." - Radiohead

"Friends come in and out of our lives like swells on the ocean." - Kristy

"Don’t try to control how one element of this reality shares its love with you. It may love you in a way other than how you expect." - Steve Pavlina

"Sometimes the quiet, subtle voices are more truthful than the loudest ones." - Steve Pavlina

‎"We should tackle reality in a slightly joking way...otherwise we miss its point." - Lawrence Durrell

"Reality can be found only in understanding what is; and to understand what is, there must be freedom, freedom from the fear of what is." - Krishnamurti

‎"It's all right to feel good / it's all for nothing to be wrong / the deepest dream that we have / could be tomorrow's song" - 311

"Which path that you're considering today will you likely look back upon 5 years from now with gratitude that you had the guts to make it so?" - Steve Pavlina

"Be grateful for the interesting decisions you face. They exist not to stress you out but to remind you of your precious freedom to choose." - Steve Pavlina

‎"There is no place to seek the mind; It is like the footprints of the birds in the sky." - Zen saying

"Many problems can be solved in 1 second with a simple 'I quit,' 'I'm out,' or 'We're done.' Be brave and exit today." - Steve Pavlina

‎"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

"In a certain sense, Zen is to feel life instead of feeling something about life." - Alan Watts

Thursday, August 12, 2010

To My Friend...

Dear Friend,

I feel like I've known you for a very long time. Much longer than I can actually remember. The veil hides the past and future. Were we only meant to know and teach each other for a short time in this life? Do we have more to teach each other or was it enough time? If we were to go past "friends," it feels like we would make an explosive mistake. Yet, I am drawn to you and want to proceed. Dangerous. We must have been caustic lovers in a previous life. Our closeness is obvious to me and everyone else, but is it to you?

The main problem is that I don't think I really know you at all. Every time I think I understand something about you and try to predict your actions, I am wrong. I'll even guess the opposite of what I think you'll do and turn out wrong. I also think you would try to change me. I don't appreciate when friends withhold information from me for no reason other than to protect themselves from who-knows-what. I do believe you had a difficult life, that you are the product of your environment and that you want to do great things with your life in the future, but you have so much holding you back, mentally. You will seriously need to change if you want to accomplish your goals. You can't fake it forever.

All I know is that I have some sort of feelings for you and I have repeating dreams with you in them. I need resolution. I don't understand how you can run away from all of your relationships, whether serious or casual. Take responsibility. What does it feel like to have all of your relationships unresolved? We are connected whether you can handle it or not.

I think you should move away from your current city for awhile. You won' won't even visit me, I'm sure. We have chosen two different directions. You plan to stay there and I plan to stay here. Our goals send us apart. There's no telling where life will lead, but I feel as though we aren't meant to have a relationship this time. It's OK, really...I just need some resolution, though. Maybe in a year. If you can be brave.


p.s. I dedicate this song to you: "How it Ends" by DeVotchka video / lyrics

Friday, May 14, 2010

2 Haikus Inspired By Florida

A smudge of dark cloud
On the horizon became
A hot air balloon


White egrets contrast
The darkening clouds above
Earth awaits the rain

Things To Come...

I plan on doing a few 30-day trials in the near future and blogging about my experience:

-Vegetarian diet
-Working on my online presence and/or my house every day after work (being productive)
-Meditating / reading / no television

It will actually take awhile to accomplish these since I begin a Masters program in September and will have to focus on school work, but at least I've written it down as a goal! I'm hoping to end the habit of procrastination when I start school, but I need some practice first so I don't crash and burn!

Photos in Regards to "First Thoughts"

First Thoughts

Dear Readers,

For my first post, I will be pasting the letter that I sent to the frontman of The Smashing Pumpkins, Billy Corgan, in September 2009 requesting to be a contributor to his personal blog website. It is relevant to where I am in my life right now so that you can understand a little bit of where I am coming from in writing this blog.

"Dearest Billy,

I am so excited about the future, whatever it may bring! I just moved back to Orlando, FL after living in Los Angeles for two years. I freely left a well-paying, secure job to follow my dream of owning a home in Florida. “Old Kristy” would not have moved across the country unless she was guaranteed a job, especially in this economy. “New Kristy” jumped, trusting the net would appear, even though she couldn’t see it. Now that a job I thought would work out perfectly and allow me to buy a house quickly has fallen through, I am faced with infinite free time and many questions and ideas about the future. I wonder what lessons I am learning now that I wasn’t anticipating?

I was raised Presbyterian which was a perfectly nice religion that gave me values which I am very proud of, but the problem is that it is a religion. It's very hard to shake a religion, but now I'm on a fascinating, enlightening path which I think simply involves being curious about spirituality. I don't believe that there is any one "right" religion. I feel there are infinite paths to God and that what is right for one person may not be right for another person. If it feels good to you, then it’s right for you. Although, if it feels angry, jealous, depressing, or guilt-ridden, it may not be right for anyone! :-) We are God, God is us. I currently find Love/God in the form of a few true friends, my mother, and being in nature. I have attached a few photos I took of what Love/God "looks like" to me at this moment.

I want to expand the ideas I've discovered over the past two years and really learn to live them, to be them. My eyes have been opened by Eckhart Tolle's works, Siddhartha, What The Bleep!?, principles in The Law of Attraction, writings from two psychic/mediums, personal development blogger Steve Pavlina, and, of course, music. I love to contemplate the idea that time is merely an illusion. I am also fascinated by thinking about how I knew my friends, acquaintances, and family members in our previous lives. This is especially fun when applying it to people I’m just meeting. Did we have a special connection before, or is this a new soul to me?

Everyone is the same - we are all created equal and no one is better than anyone else. I feel we all have the same freedoms as humans and it hurts me deeply to see homeless people, starving children, abused animals, and people who are not being treated by their peers as equals. It's too much for me to bear at times. Lately though, when I get these feelings I have come to understand that this is what it feels like to be "one" with humanity and I sit in that feeling to try and absorb it but then attempt to remove the emotions I have about it. I am particularly interested in understanding "oneness" better. What the Bleep!? has really brought my scientific mind into understanding this a bit better with its discussion of quantum physics relating to spiritual themes.

It's odd to me now when I meet new people or chat with friends that I haven't in a number of years and see what different places we are in. I want so badly for friends and family to understand the concepts I’ve discovered, but everyone has their own journey in this life, and it may not be time for them to feel what I am feeling. I myself am new on this journey of spiritual discovery - there is much to learn and understand.

To feel real, unimpeded bliss is what I love about being alive. I also love being able to learn in so many ways (mental knowledge, experiencing Earth and the Universe, interpersonal connecting, spiritually, etc). I always remain open to hearing new theories, concepts, and ideas. I now use words and phrases I only used to hear hippies saying, for example, "That doesn't resonate (or vibe) with me." Hmm, I guess the hippies had it right all along, especially now that "going green" has gone mainstream. :-)

What is your dream? Are you moving in the direction of that dream, or do you still need to discover the dream? Following your dream feels like making the decision to take the elevator to the top of the CN Tower, then standing on the glass floor, which is all very scary at first. Then you start taking in the sights and forget that you are on the glass floor. Occasionally you look down again and your heart skips a beat, but you realize that you were never really in danger, and are subsequently re-exhilarated. I feel as though my dream has only been half revealed to me. If I could see everything now, what would be the fun in that?

If all of these things I have come to believe turn out to be wrong in the end, it won't matter because they helped me to live a more fulfilling life. Our lives are a gift, but we also choose to be here. I think that when we die we get all the answers, but wouldn’t it be exciting if we could receive and experience some of the answers while we are alive? :-)

Even if you don't choose me to contribute to your site, I'm glad to have all of my thoughts written in one place. Thank you for listening, and best wishes in all you choose to do with this life.
